RACE obstacles consist of five obstacles that are
designed to challenge participants
of all athletic abilities, each worth 100 points.
You can collect 500 points by completing
all of the RACE obstacles.
The completion of RACE obstacles is required.

Step through our agility nets with fast feet and high knees.

Bear crawl your way up the stair or ramps of your favorite stadium, keeping your body under the net.

Lateral quick steps to weave your way through the “needles”.

Jump 20 reps with a Gronk Fitness speed rope.

Hurdle over 4 sets of 4ft tall hurdle walls.
HUSTLE obstacles consist of five obstacles that are
intermediate level. These are optional
obstacles, each worth 200 points.
If you complete the RACE and HUSTLE
obstacles, you can collect up to 1500 points.

Swing 20 reps with Gronk Fitness kettle bells.

Throw a ball through the target in 3 tries.

Climb up pipes and nets to over 20ft above the field on our tallest obstacle.

Balance your across the beam without falling on your 1st attempt.

Jump over then crawl under a series of alternating low and high walls.
BLITZ obstacles consist five optional obstacles
that are designed for participants of
elite athletic abilities, each worth 300 points.
If you complete the BLITZ
you can score an additional 1,500 points.

Swing across a series of rings with your feet off the ground.

Traverse pipes and nets with your feet off the ground.

Climb up and over the field on a vertical ladder.

Lift and carry the Blitz bag up and down stairs through the designated course.

Pull then push a Gronk Fitness weight sled across the field.